Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Women's March

written 1/22/17
Women’s Rights March
Women around the world are feeling ignored. Even though they feel ignored, they still watch what’s happening with politics. I recently was at a Women’s Rights March. 20,000 men, women, and children came to stand up for women. I saw inspiring signs that said, “Minority + Minority + Minority = Majority,” “Men of quality don’t fear equality,” and “We can’t change the vote but we can change the world.” All of these signs have inspiring words. Women’s Rights Marches around the world matter to the world.
Marches are one of the best ways to let your voice be heard. The number 1 reason is it usually does not involve violence. When it is peaceful, it can have a big difference. At first, when I heard the crowd’s chants, I thought that they were aggressively yelling but when I listened, they were chanting words that would help with world peace.
I already knew that even before 1848 women wanted more rights (the first group of women had a conference for rights in 1848) but not until now did I realize that not only women thought that women should have more rights. Men, people who are gay, and every group of society believe that women should have more rights. Women have been trying for a long time to have more rights.
When one group tries to make something happen it is strong but when lots of groups stand together it’s so much stronger. Like I’ve mentioned before in this essay at the march many different groups came. You can accomplish so much just by working together from finding something lost to changing the world. Working together has made many things possible.

When lots of people walked the Women’s Rights March around the world it impacted the world. Women will be more and more persistent until they get what they want. I believe women should have more rights and the Women’s Rights Match gets us 1 step closer to more rights for women.

here's an article about the march:

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