Monday, November 14, 2016

Good and Bad

Mia Lekika
Literature:  The Westing Game
Good and Bad
Sam Westing is a rich man who created a game to see who would be his heir. Sam Westing may have been a little hard on some people but, in the end, he was trying to do things for the better. For example, he changed Turtle’s life in a good was by involving Turtle in the game.
One reason Turtle’s like was changed by the game is because Turtle got a new mom, also known as Flora Baumbach or, as Turtle calls her, Baba. Turtle’s real mom made her feel like the “other” daughter. Grace (Turtle’s mom) was comparing Turtle to Angela, her older sister. Flora gave Turtle what Turtle’s own mom could not.
Another reason Turtle’s life improved by the game is Turtle meets Theo, her future husband. She does not know it yet during the game but 5 years after the game, Turtle and Theo are married. Without the game, Turtle and Theo may not have ever met.
The last reason Turtle’s life changed for the better is because Turtle wins the game, becomes, heir, and inherits the money. In the end, she finds out who Sam Westing was (also known as Sandy) and wins the game. With the money, she is able to go to college.
Sam Westing changed Turtle’s life for the better through the Westing Game. He also helped other people in the game by trying to make-up for the bad things he did in the past. Sam Westing tried to make things better for other people. At times, you may think he was a man that did bad things but he was good at heart.

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