Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Compare and Contrast

My mom and I compared each other . We both have similarities and differences. It was interesting to see our difference. Like I am a young girl and my mom is an elder. My favorite part was when we found out my mom never liked things that I thought she loved.

   An example of our differences is that my mom is a mother and I am not. Something we have similar is that we both like the same radio station. One similarity is we both like radio station but I know she doesn't like music that much. A difference we have is I LOVE history she is not a big fan. Another difference is I play an instrument and she does not. 

   Therefore my mom and I do not have many similarities  but in life we  have plenty of similarities. You can compare most things. It's awesome. I had a lot of fun comparing things and I think you should try it out. My mom and I found things we have in common. It's amazing how people can be so similar and you don't even now it. I had a blast doing it so I recommend doing it so you should try it out. Sometimes you learn things you never knew.

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