Sunday, February 7, 2016

UNIT 3 - Summarize Your Learning

What do people gain from the work of inventors and artists? 

Stories you read in this unit:

• The Fabulous Perpetual Motion Machine 
• Leonardo’s Horse 
• The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins 
• Mahalia Jackson 
• Special Effects in Film and Television 

Think About It! Think about the selections you read in this unit.

• How were they alike? How were they different? 

All my reading chapters are about art. They were diffrent because each one was not a similar type of art.

• What did you learn?

I learned how lots of arts are similar yet different.

• Write three big ideas about how artists and inventors can inspire others around them.

1. A lot of blues singers were inspired by other religious gospel singers.
2. An inventor who wanted to make dinosaur sculptures inspired others to make dinosaur sculptures better than them and more realistic.
3. Some artist inspire others to finish their work they did not finish.

Question It! 

What if you had a chance to meet a famous artist or inventor? Write three questions that you would ask him or her.

  1. Who and what inspired you?
  2. How do you get your ideas for your paintings?
  3. Why did you decide that painting would be your career?

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